Montalto Palace in Ortigia is hosting an art exhibition regarding contemporary artists from Sicily.
The ancient XIV century building is the perfect container that fits the contrast of old and modern.
The theme of the exhibition is ” Sicily/myths and heroes”.
The materials used by the artists varie from old used tires to chalk, and different painting techniques are used as well. Somehow together the materials blend very well making the exhibition modern and interesting.
I was taken with the idea of women who have always represented the strength and the roots of our matriarchal society.
Come and see it.
The exhibition is open to the public everyday from 10:00 to 12:30 am and from 4:00 to 7:30 pm till March 14th.

La mostra “Sicilia/miti ed eroi” a palazzo Montalto, l’antico che dialoga con il moderno nel cuore di Ortigia. Da non perdere. Tutti i giorni dalle 10:30 alle 12:30 e dalle 16:00 alle 19:00 fino al 14 Marzo 2023.
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